Humanity: CRPD desires to bring assistance without discrimination to vulnerable communities and endeavors to prevent and alleviate suffering, by supporting the protection of life and health and ensuring respect for every human being
Impartiality: In CRPD work decisions are made on a “needs only” basis and must not be influenced by personal considerations or feelings. CRPD does not discriminate as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class, or political opinions.
Neutrality: To continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the CRPD does not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious, or ideological nature.
Independence: CRPD remains independent from political, economic, military or other non-humanitarian objectives.
CPRD also ascribes to Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability to the communities we serve, partners we work with and donors who support us